Comments on: 5 Future Internet trends that will change Hotel Internet Marketing Inspiration for the Digital Hotelier Thu, 16 Feb 2012 14:25:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thewaterfrontshaw Wed, 09 Nov 2011 06:58:00 +0000 Hi,

I think this blog is the great examples of how we can use internet for promoting our business. I like to congratulate to author for writing such useful and interesting blog. Thanks for sharing this information with me.


By: Emily Burr Thu, 13 Oct 2011 00:44:00 +0000 This blog is very intriguing to me because I like to see options the industry has for the future. I think the lodging industry definitely does a well job marketing their hotels on the internet but there is always room for improvement. That is why I chose this article because I like that the industry acknowledges that there is always new technology and in order to keep up with the modern technology they need to have a newer system for the public to enjoy. The information is also useful for hotel managers that are interested in expanding their ways of marketing. 


By: Hotelemarketer » Hotel Internet Marketing by 2013 – Are we on Track? Tue, 02 Mar 2010 17:27:29 +0000 […] came across a piece I’d written about 17-18 months ago on the future of hotel internet marketing. The article talked about 5 broad tech trends that I thought would radically alter the way we […]


By: Will Artificial Intelligence spell the end of the TripAdvisor Model? | Hotel eMarketer Fri, 09 Jan 2009 19:39:38 +0000 […] One thing is certain – consumers would trust other consumers over hotel / company marketing departments any day. “Trust” of course, is the key word here. That trust is based on bias and the faith that the even though you’ve never met the other consumer, there’s a fair chance that there is an element of truth and perhaps even ‘objectivity’ in the review. But what happens when you can no longer trust other consumers? What if those consumers were no longer consumers…but computers? Artificial Intelligence may just cause the ‘run on the bank’ that brings the house of cards down for online reviews. Here’s a great comment I received recently from Jeffrey Frankel following a LinkedIN conversation on my previous article “5 Web trends that will change Hotel Internet Marketing”: […]


By: The new era of Hotel Experience Marketing - Choice is the new King, All hail the King | Hotel eMarketer Thu, 08 Jan 2009 16:04:04 +0000 […] on from the earlier articles, Back to the Future: Meet the hotel guest of 2020 (September 2008) 5 Future Developments that will revolutionize Online Hotel Marketing (October 2008), here are some thoughts on the role of Choice in successful Hotel Marketing of the […]


By: mikeys-luxury Fri, 24 Oct 2008 00:20:09 +0000 I wonder if rankings deserve to be number two most important thing, i see a lot of hotel (particulaly those privately owned) fall flat with SEO campaigns. i guess i would heed the warning that a lot of hotels dont know how to market online, so the ranking is not as important as the knowlege of how to get it.

