Comments for Hotel AI, Marketing, Tech and Loyalty Inspiration for the Digital Hotelier Thu, 18 Apr 2024 06:54:32 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on 5 Brands Using Generative AI to Disrupt Advertising by Top 10 Computer Vision Generative Models in 2024 Thu, 18 Apr 2024 06:54:32 +0000 […] customers and standing out in the market. For instance, companies can create custom content for advertising campaigns or design prototypes at a fraction of the time and cost it used to […]


Comment on Shhh! The Hush-Hush World of Quiet Luxury, Decoded by exoticaleathers Tue, 02 Apr 2024 10:55:41 +0000 Thank you for decoding the world of quiet luxury in such an insightful way! Your blog post offers a fascinating glimpse into the understated elegance and exclusivity of quiet luxury. I appreciate the attention to detail and the exploration of luxury beyond the obvious. Keep up the great work in uncovering hidden gems in the luxury industry!


Comment on AI and Search – Are Search Engines As We Know Them Doomed? How Marketers Can Adapt by michaelogan05 Wed, 27 Mar 2024 15:55:03 +0000 AI changing search engines is intriguing. Thanks for the clarity!

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Day 4 – Create A Comic Strip – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by nitinthariyan Tue, 19 Mar 2024 15:14:30 +0000 This is awesome JJ…let me try a few of my own!

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Day 2 – Level Up Your Storytelling – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by Claude Benard Tue, 19 Mar 2024 06:54:59 +0000 In reply to Jitendra Jain (JJ).

Thank you Jitendra,

This exercise is very educational and perfect for learning how AI works.

At the beginning of ChatGPT 3.5, I had tested this AI with a small story around the Halloween theme.
The story is nice.
See the PDF

The illustration was created during a small design competition in the private community of the designer Mel Armstrong – Illustrator
It’s a vector illustration made with Affinity Designer.

Have a nice day

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Day 2 – Level Up Your Storytelling – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by Jitendra Jain (JJ) Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:34:40 +0000 In reply to Claude Benard.

Amazing, love this – thanks Claude!


Comment on Day 2 – Level Up Your Storytelling – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by Claude Benard Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:28:49 +0000 Hello everyone,

I co-created a story with an AI using Hensel & Gretel as characters.

The story is below and at the end I’ll give you the technical details of how I did it.

Day 2 #30DayAIChallenge

Happy reading!

AI analysis of the image

The image depicts two animated characters resembling Hansel and Gretel from the classic fairy tale. They have wide-eyed, surprised expressions on their faces as they stand in front of a rustic wooden cabin surrounded by snow-covered trees, suggesting a winter setting.

“The Enchanted Winter Village”

A Surprising Discovery

Hansel and Gretel trudged through the thick blanket of snow, their small boots leaving trails behind them. The bitter cold stung their rosy cheeks as snowflakes danced around them. Suddenly, they stopped in their tracks, eyes widening in disbelief. There, nestled among the frosted pines, stood a quaint cabin. Warm light flickered invitingly through the windows, and a tendril of smoke curled from the chimney. But what truly caught their attention was the delectable aroma wafting from within – the unmistakable scent of freshly baked treats.

Gretel gasped, her breath forming a misty cloud. “Hansel, do you smell that?” She tugged at her brother’s sleeve, her eyes sparkling with wonder. Hansel nodded slowly, entranced by the tantalizing fragrance. “It smells like…gingerbread!” he exclaimed, licking his lips.

Curiosity overcame their initial trepidation as the mouthwatering scent beckoned them closer. Hand in hand, they approached the cabin, their hearts racing with anticipation of what sweet surprises might await them inside.

The Irresistible Aroma

Hansel and Gretel inched closer to the cabin’s door, their curiosity piqued by the heavenly scent wafting through the frosty air. Gretel reached out a mittened hand and gently pushed the door open, causing a tiny bell to jingle overhead.

As they stepped inside, the warm, spicy fragrance enveloped them like a cozy embrace. The interior was bathed in a golden glow from the crackling fire, and every surface seemed to be crafted from gingerbread, candy canes, and other confectionery delights.

“Look, Hansel!” Gretel exclaimed, pointing at the rows of perfectly baked gingerbread figures lining the shelves. “It’s just like in the story Mother used to tell us!” Hansel’s eyes grew wide as saucers, and he licked his lips hungrily. “I can’t believe it! A real gingerbread house!”

A Sweet Surprise

As Hansel and Gretel ventured deeper into the cozy cabin, the delectable aroma of baked treats grew even stronger, making their mouths water uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a jovial laugh echoed from the adjoining room. “Ho ho ho! I see we have some hungry visitors!” The siblings froze, exchanging nervous glances. Gretel tightened her grip on Hansel’s hand as a portly figure emerged from behind a gingerbread archway. To their utter astonishment, the figure appeared to be a large, pink frog dressed in an apron and chef’s hat! He let out another hearty chuckle, his bulging eyes twinkling with mirth.

“Welcome, children, to my humble gingerbread bakery!” the frog exclaimed, gesturing grandly with his webbed hands. “Please, make yourselves at home and help yourselves to as many treats as you’d like!” Hansel and Gretel gaped at the peculiar sight before them, scarcely believing their eyes. A talking, baking frog? In a house made entirely of gingerbread and sweets? It was like something out of their wildest dreams!

Tentatively, they each plucked a warm gingerbread figure from the nearest tray, the spicy aroma making their tummies rumble. As they took their first bites, the rich, buttery flavor danced across their tongues, and they knew they had discovered a truly magical place.

As the siblings took in their magical surroundings, fat snowflakes began drifting down from the slate-gray sky. Gretel stuck out her tongue to catch one, giggling at the cold, tingly sensation.

“Hansel, look!” she exclaimed, pointing to a trail of tiny footprints leading away from the cabin. They appeared to have been made by some small forest creature. Exchanging a conspiratorial grin, the two set off to investigate, their boots crunching through the freshly fallen snow. The footprints led them deeper into the woods, weaving between frosted tree trunks and over a little frozen stream. Suddenly, they heard a high-pitched chattering up ahead. Peering around an icy bush, they were greeted by the most peculiar sight – a troupe of squirrels industriously constructing miniature igloos and snow sculptures!

The squirrels, dressed in tiny parkas and earmuffs, scampered about with remarkable dexterity, patting and sculpting the snow into intricate shapes. One seemed to be directing the others, waving its paws animatedly. Hansel and Gretel stifled their laughter, utterly delighted by this whimsical scene playing out before them. Just when they thought this winter realm couldn’t get any more enchanting! As if sensing the children’s presence, the squirrel leader swiveled its head, locking eyes with the siblings. Instead of scampering away, it flashed a bucktoothed grin and beckoned them over with a wiggle of its nose

The moral of our imaginative story about Hansel and Gretel’s winter adventure could be:

Even in the most unexpected and wondrous of circumstances, keeping an open mind and embracing the spirit of curiosity can lead to delightful discoveries and unforgettable experiences.

By venturing into the enchanted woods with courage and a sense of wonder, Hansel and Gretel were rewarded with magical encounters – from the jovial gingerbread frog’s cozy bakery to the industrious troupe of snow-sculpting squirrels. Their willingness to explore the unknown opened up a whimsical realm full of surprises and joy. The story celebrates the imaginative potential of childhood and reminds us that amazing adventures can unfold when we let our inquisitive natures guide us through life’s mysteries with positivity and zest.

Technical details

– Texte made with Perplexity Pro and the LLM Claude-3 Sonnet

– Original imput in the AI:

The image with Hensel & Gretel (analysed by the AI)

+ a short starting prompt below

“I’d like to write a fun little story with you about the characters Hansel and Gretel from the Grimm fairy tales. It starts with a photo in which Hansel and Gretel are very surprised to discover …”


a few interactions with the AI. The main one is when I introduce the pink frog as the head chef 🙂

– Images made with Midjourney Alpha portal

You can read all the process I did in the administration of the AI Perplexity Pro with this link.

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Day 1 – Create Your Own Stock Images – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by Jitendra Jain (JJ) Mon, 18 Mar 2024 12:54:41 +0000 In reply to spatwa.

Yes, that’s right – plus most AI text to image models can’t handle more than a bit of basic text at the moment. There may be an easier approach using ChatGPT and a custom GPT or plugin that creates diagrams and flowcharts instead.


Comment on Day 1 – Create Your Own Stock Images – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by spatwa Mon, 18 Mar 2024 10:57:45 +0000 Hello Jitendra,
I tried creating Kotter’s 8 step change model for a LinkedIn Post on Bing Image Creator. With the basic prompts I put, the image wasn’t close to what I was looking for. I then tried to get better prompts from ChatGPT but I kept running out of word limits.
Learning: For simple images or flow charts, it is still better/easier to create it on power point.
I’ll try something more complicated next time.

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Day 2 – Level Up Your Storytelling – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024 by nitinthariyan Sun, 17 Mar 2024 16:52:19 +0000 Thanks JJ. Loved the experience!

Once, in a kingdom where the trees whispered secrets and the rivers sang lullabies, chaos unfurled like a dark cloak over the land. This chaos was born not from war or famine, but from the disappearance of the Twin Crowns of Harmony and Discord. Without them, the kingdom was a place of relentless storms and unsettling silence, a land where laughter was as rare as a clear sky.

The elder, a girl of sixteen winters, known for her sharp wit and fiery spirit, and her brother, a boy of eight summers, renowned for his cleverness and boundless energy, found themselves at the heart of this turmoil. Their own home mirrored the kingdom’s plight; harmony and discord clashed in their constant squabbles, painting their days with the vibrant colors of sibling rivalry.

One twilight, as the stars blinked open their eyes, a mystical owl, the guardian of the Twin Crowns, appeared to the siblings. “The kingdom’s fate rests upon your shoulders,” it hooted solemnly, revealing that only true balance between them could restore order.

The journey was fraught with challenges that tested their limits. First, they faced the Valley of Echoes, where words spoken in anger would multiply and return as thunderous storms. Here, the siblings learned the destructive power of discord without restraint, as their quarrels summoned tempests that threatened to engulf them. It was only when they spoke words of understanding and cooperation that the storms abated, teaching them the first lesson of balance.

Next, they traversed the Forest of Whispers, a place of excessive harmony, where no leaf dared to rustle out of turn. The stifling peace in the forest was oppressive, a harmony so enforced that it stifled growth and expression. The siblings found themselves lethargic, their own disagreements and individualities fading. Realizing that too much harmony quashed diversity and vitality, they encouraged each other to speak their minds and embrace their differences, rekindling their spirits.

With each trial, the siblings discovered the delicate dance between harmony and discord. They learned that their arguments could spark creativity and solutions, while their moments of agreement brought them strength and unity.

At their journey’s end, they found the Twin Crowns in the Cave of Reflections, where the true challenge awaited. They had to accept both crowns, not as bearers of individual crowns but as joint guardians. In doing so, they saw reflections of their past quarrels and their newfound understanding, realizing that their strongest moments came from embracing both harmony and discord.

With the crowns restored, the kingdom transformed. The trees danced in the breeze, and the rivers hummed tunes of joy. The land flourished, a testament to the balance the siblings had achieved, not just in the kingdom but within themselves.

