Meet Emily….or the digital recreation of Emily, at least.
At TEDxUSC, computer graphics trailblazer Paul Debevec explains the scene-stealing technology behind Digital Emily, a digitally constructed human face so realistic it stands up to multiple takes.
From “Meet the hotel guest of 2020“
I need help. I need to talk.
I love technology and the convenience automation offers. But sometimes I miss just talking to someone…another human who will listen to me, empathize and help me.Enter the age of a one-touch, omnipresent, always-on service line. All guests have to do is access their mobile device or projection panels in hotel rooms and facilities to converse in live video with their very own concierge, order-taker, host, guest service agent and guide…all rolled into one very real Hotelier at the other end of the line. The ultimate mix of tech, personal touch and convenience…
Interactions with ‘animated humans’ always leave something to be desired…however, perhaps with this new emerging tech, we simply won’t be able to tell the difference!
Good thing or bad…you decide.
My instincts tell me that dealing with a real human is the right way but my experience tells me I would prefer to deal with an animated human any day