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Day 27 – AI Coaches, Mentors, Counselors – 30 Day AI Challenge 2024

Welcome to the 2024 Edition of the #30DayAIChallenge. This year, we’ll be focusing on making Generative AI more accessible for all. So follow along and give each challenge a try yourself, plus share your own thoughts and experiments with a community of like-minded learners and tinkerers!*

Week 4’s theme is “Back To The Future: Living With AI“, which takes on an AI infused lifestyle…or everyday AI use cases that can make our lives a little easier or better.

Today’s Challenge: AI Chatbots + Everyday Personal Support

AI chatbots, with their command of language and context, have emerged as versatile tools capable of wearing many hats— from coaches and doctors to mentors and counselors. Today, we dive into how we can utilize platforms like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude, and Pi for everyday support, ensuring we remember the crucial caveat: these AI entities complement, not replace, the invaluable insights and assistance from professionals in health and mental well-being.

Getting Started

1. Choose Your AI: Begin by exploring the capabilities of popular AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude, and Pi. Each has unique strengths— ChatGPT for conversational depth, Google Gemini for integrating Google’s vast data knowledge, Claude for nuanced understanding, and Pi claims to be the most emotionally intelligent chatbot. A couple of these also offer great mobile app interfaces, so you can have a voice conversation – ChatGPT and Pi do this particularly well.

2. Set Clear Objectives: Understand what you seek from the interaction—guidance, learning new skills, emotional support, or brainstorming ideas. Setting clear objectives helps in directing conversations effectively.

3. Start Simple: Engage with basic inquiries and gradually delve into more complex discussions. Whether seeking motivational advice, learning a new concept, or needing a non-judgmental ear, begin with straightforward questions to understand the chatbot’s response scope.

4. Privacy and Safety: While these platforms are built with privacy in mind, always be cautious about sharing overly personal or sensitive information. Remember, for serious health or mental health issues, consult a professional.

Practical Challenges For You To Try Out

Here are several practical, everyday challenges to explore with your favorite AI chatbot, whether it’s for coaching, mentoring, counseling, or even health-related inquiries. These challenges are designed to be accessible for anyone and can provide valuable insights or support in everyday life:

1. Setting and Tracking Personal Goals

  • Challenge: Use an AI chatbot to set a personal or professional goal, breaking it down into actionable steps. Check in with the chatbot daily or weekly to report progress and receive motivational feedback.

2. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude

  • Challenge: Engage with the chatbot in a daily mindfulness or gratitude exercise. Share things you’re grateful for and ask the chatbot to help you reflect on these positive aspects.

3. Role-Playing for Difficult Conversations

  • Challenge: Prepare for a difficult conversation (e.g., asking for a raise, addressing a conflict) by role-playing with the chatbot. Use this as a safe space to practice your approach and responses.

4. Learning a New Skill or Habit

  • Challenge: Choose a new skill or habit you want to develop, such as meditation, a new language, or a fitness routine. Use the chatbot as a daily coach to provide tips, track your progress, and keep you motivated.

5. Emotional Support Chat

  • Challenge: On a day you’re feeling low or stressed, turn to the chatbot for a supportive conversation. Share your feelings and ask for advice on coping strategies. Note the chatbot’s limitations and seek professional help if needed.

6. Health and Wellness Information

  • Challenge: Ask the chatbot for general health and wellness tips, such as nutrition advice, exercise recommendations, or sleep hygiene practices. Remember, for specific medical advice, always consult a healthcare professional.

7. Decision Making and Brainstorming

  • Challenge: Use the chatbot to help make a decision or brainstorm ideas for a project, trip planning, or any creative endeavor. Outline the context and options, and explore the chatbot’s suggestions.

8. Professional Development and Career Advice

  • Challenge: Seek career advice or professional development tips from the chatbot. Discuss your career goals, challenges, and opportunities for growth to receive guidance and resources.

These challenges can help you leverage AI chatbots as valuable tools for personal and professional development. They offer a unique opportunity to engage with technology in a meaningful way, providing support, motivation, and information to help you achieve your goals. Also, check out this recent article…

Personal Examples:

I’ve experimented with AI chatbots extensively over the past year – a few ways I’ve used them personally:

  • Getting medical advice for common (not serious) issues – for example, the last time I had a cold I used ChatGPT to work out what stage the cold was at by describing the symptoms and what medications I could at each stage to manage it.
  • Using it to think through difficult issues and problems, especially when I can’t have that same conversation with another person. AI chatbots can also help you pressure test your own thinking and how you may want to frame your problem / conversation for specific situations.
  • More importantly, I’ve created Custom GPTs to use in different situations…for example, I have “Picard”, a life coach that can help me work towards life goals, while infusing a bit of Star Trek’s Jean Luc Picard into the responses. Another example is “Warren”, a value investing coach…and yet another “SuperGeek”, a tough love health/fitness coach that knows my health specs and goals. More on these in the article below…

For Advanced Users

Advanced users can push the boundaries of AI chatbots by integrating them into daily routines and processes for enhanced productivity and emotional well-being:

1. Customization and APIs: Explore custom GPTs (as above) or use APIs to integrate AI chatbots into your personal and professional tools. Custom prompts can tailor interactions more closely to your needs, offering bespoke advice, reminders, and encouragement.

2. Continuous Learning: Use chatbots to stay on top of your field, asking for the latest research, techniques, and trends. This proactive learning approach keeps you informed and inspired.

3. Emotional Intelligence Exercises: Engage in advanced dialogues designed to enhance your emotional intelligence, such as role-playing complex interpersonal scenarios or practicing mindfulness and gratitude with the chatbot’s guidance.

4. Feedback Loop: Provide feedback on responses to refine the AI’s understanding and accuracy. This ongoing dialogue improves the chatbot’s ability to serve your evolving needs.

You may also be interested in the following posts:

Wrap Up

As we start using AI chatbots to help us grow and get support, we’re entering a whole new chapter in self-improvement and guidance. These chatbots bring something special to the table: they’re always there, keep your secrets, and you can talk to them anytime you want, which is really handy in our everyday lives. But, even with all this tech, nothing can quite replace the warmth and understanding of talking to another person, especially when it comes to really personal or health matters. Yet, as technology gets better, these chatbots are learning to be more caring, understanding, and flexible, making us think of a future where they can offer even more tailored and deep support.

If you give any of these tools or challenges a try, leave a comment and share your experience! If you’re using other platforms to post, please tag your Facebook, Twitter / X or LinkedIn post with #30DayAIChallenge so others can find it too.

Till tomorrow…

*Please note: Participation in the 30 Day AI Challenge is at your own discretion and responsibility. Always ensure that no sensitive personal information, confidential, or proprietary company data is shared. Adhere to all applicable local laws and company policies. Enjoy exploring AI responsibly!

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