YouTube has just jumped on the live video bandwagon on mobile, given the growing prominence of the mobile platform and Facebook’s early foray (though not as early as Twitter’s acquisition and launch of Periscope in 2015…or smaller rivals like Meerkat).
The feature has just launched to YouTube creators with 10,000 subscribers or more…what’s interesting though are the added monetization options. Creators already earn an ad revenue share from their videos…with a new feature called ‘SuperChat’, viewers can now jump to the top of the comment queue by paying live streaming content creators. Popular creators who’ve been using platforms like YouNow and are switching to YouTube, given it’s broader reach and appeal.
So what’s the fuss? Does Live Video matter? Or will the annoying Facebook alerts and amateur content most of us have been exposed to so far relegate the medium to the ‘annoying & forgotten’ realm of social media?
I think the most interesting thing about live video is the very fact that it is different to everything else we’re already so used to. Just by being new and different, it stands out from the clutter…and creators who’ve been able to tap in early certainly stand to reap the benefits in terms of growing their subscriber base and monetization. Live video also has a certain raw, unpolished appeal…in a world where even ‘reality TV’ is somewhat staged and edited, this seems (at least in its current, early format) to break the mold.
Why does it matter for businesses?
One obvious application is live streaming events and anything that is time-bound, unexpected or exclusive. How about a behind the scenes tour and a live video meet and greet with an artist before he/she goes on stage? Or a virtual entry into the town’s most exclusive party?
For individuals and companies in the news, conference or media business, live streaming also offers a great new way to acquire and aggregate fresh content as quickly as it is produced. Being able to tap into the social networks of content producers and contributors is an added bonus, of course.
There’s plenty of potential for live streaming from the hotel and travel industry too, given the access we have to amazing views, venues, events and talent. Here’s a recent effort by Starwood Hotels & Resorts, powered by the amazing Deckchair HD webcams at iconic hotels around the world…this was streamed by Telegraph Travel on Facebook Live (click on the image below to open up the video in a new page).
Have you come across any great examples of live video streaming used in the hotel or travel industry? If so, please comment and share!
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