For those just joining us, every day during this challenge, I’m going to try and do something different or better, using currently available Artificial Intelligence tools.
It’s Day 22 and today we’ll test a couple of generative AI tools to see how quickly we can go from concept development to creating a full fledged visual identity (e.g. business logo and design templates for a business card, website, powerpoint, flyers, etc.)
First, Let’s Create A Concept
For the ideation part of the process, I used ChatGPT.
I asked for a few ideas for a Bed & Breakfast that incorporated both sustainability and tech automation trends.

The first idea looked interesting, so we expanded on this further:

For today’s experiment, let’s run with the EcoPods as our hotel concept, first set up in a volcanic landscape, possibly in Iceland.
Second, Let’s Imagine What It Could Look Like
For this step, I used Midjourney to imagine what our little sustainable, tech-friendly EcoPods in Iceland might look like:

Here’s a representation I really liked…

Third, Let’s Create A Visual Identity
For this part of the process I used Looka, which promises ‘free’ logo and design creations…of course, the reality is that if you do end up with content you like and want to use it, there’s a subscription fee.
Here’s a video recording showing you just how easy the entire process is (and it took all of 2-3 minutes overall):
Looka offers an impressive AI-generated Brand Kit that includes 16+ logo files and over 300 designs for business cards, social posts, and more, which are easily customizable through their online editor.

There you have it. From business / hotel concept to imagining what it could potentially look like in a chosen location off the beaten path…to an entire visual identity pack in less than 15 minutes.
If this doesn’t illustrate the massive potential of generative AI, nothing can. Of course, for real world applications you’ll need a lot more work and due diligence, but using emerging tools can certainly shave off tremendous amount of time and budget in terms of ideation, design, copywriting and so much more.
Until tomorrow…
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