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Day 30 of 30 Day AI Challenge – Meet The Hotel Guest of 2030

For those just joining us, every day during this challenge, I’m going to try and do something different or better, using currently available Artificial Intelligence tools.

Well, here we are, on the final day of this exhilarating 30-day AI adventure. Initially I thought it would be hard to come up with new ideas and experiments for a whole month…but given the pace of change and development, it has been remarkably easy (and very educational at the same time). For most of my challenges, I’ve tapped into existing generative AI tools to augment my capabilities or simplify tasks. While tools like ChatGPT (particularly GPT 4) have blown me away with their capabilities, it only seems fitting for the last challenge to push the limits and see where they (perhaps) stop being so amazing.

I dug up an article I wrote in 2008, titled “Meet the Hotel Guest of 2020.“. It was my naively youthful and optimistic take on the future (crystal ball gazing is a perilous pursuit at the best of times). While some of the predictions got close to what’s considered cutting edge today, others were way off, owing to the hotel industry’s reliance on legacy, fragmented tech and slow pace of change. For today’s challenge, I wanted to see if I could use ChatGPT to write a 2030 version of the same article, for fun. Here’s a quick summary of both the good and bad of using an LLM…and you can read the final article below.

The Upsides:

Information retrieval: We know that large natural language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT excel at processing large volumes of text and can efficiently provide relevant information on a wide range of topics, making them great tools for research, fact-checking, and answering queries. For my experiment, I fed ChatGPT my article, subsequent updates as well as other sources of content.

Content generation: ChatGPT can create high-quality, contextually appropriate text in various styles and formats, making it a valuable tool for tasks like content writing, storytelling, and marketing. ChatGPT was particularly good at summarizing key insights from the text it was given, plus also mimicking style.

Language translation: LLMs have demonstrated impressive capabilities in translating text across various languages (see ChatGPT language proficiency levels here), so technically I could generate high quality translations of my work fairly quickly and cheaply.

The Downsides:

Limited real-time interaction: While ChatGPT can engage in text-based conversations, it might not always fully understand the context or provide accurate information during real-time, complex interactions, making it less suitable for tasks that require immediate and accurate responses. The model was also trained with data up to late 2021, and while the GPT4 model plugged into Bing has Internet access, the LLM isn’t always in tune with current developments. To try and overcome some of this, I fed ChatGPT summary trends and key developments & future risks to the global economy.

Lack of ethical discernment: True to the ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’ concept in computing, LLMs often inadvertently generate biased, offensive, or misleading content (hallucinations), as they are trained on vast amounts of data that might contain such information, making them unsuitable for handling sensitive topics without human supervision. These sort of biases did show up a few times in my various tests over 30 days.

Inability to provide domain-specific expertise: ChatGPT isn’t able to deliver expert-level insights or advice on highly specialized fields, as its knowledge is based on the data it was trained on. To try and overcome this, I asked ChatGPT to ‘wear the hat’ of the most famous scientists, designers, hoteliers and other thought-leaders when generating our desired ‘predictions’.

Finally…the biggest gap of all. As an LLM, ChatGPT cannot extrapolate or reason, which is a critical human ability when trying to think about what may happen in the future. We’ve all heard the saying “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.” This, combined with varying pace of development by sector can make predicting the future incredibly difficult.

For example, here’s what Jensen Huang (President and CEO of Nvidia) had to say on a recent earnings call:

Over the course of the next 10 years, I hope through new chips, new interconnects, new systems, new operating systems, new distributed computing algorithms and new AI algorithms and working with developers coming up with new models, I believe we’re going to accelerate AI by another million x. 

A million x. Think about that for a second. Moore’s Law pales in comparison (it estimates that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years and has lead to exponential increases in computing power and efficiency over the past few decades). Compared to this, the hotel industry moves at a snail’s pace, especially with most large chains not owning the physical real estate. Changing designs and physical hotel structures often takes decades, owing to the economics and renovation cycles. Embedded legacy tech can also slow down adoption of new solutions in the quicker moving tech space.

My Final Process: I experimented with various approaches and iterations, but none really captured the essence of what I was looking for. So here are the results of my final challenge…assisted by AI, but probably the most “human” of them all. Enjoy the article…

Meet the Hotel Guest of 2030

It is the year 2030. The past seven and half years have been a rollercoaster, filled with giddy highs and depressing lows. Repercussions of the global pandemic and war have made the world feel just a little more wary and disconnected. A new world order is emerging, with the rift between East and West continuing to widen. Financial bubbles have burst as they do and new reserve and digital currencies are starting to take hold. However, humanity has proven its resilience and adaptability, finding new ways to connect, innovate, and overcome these obstacles. One constant remains – our innate desire to travel, explore, and experience new cultures. In this article, we take a journey into the hotel guest experience of 2030, where technology, sustainability, and human connection come together to create unforgettable moments.

Help me rediscover what connects us. Nourish my soul.

I know there’s a lot to worry about these days. With increasing polarization at home and regional splintering around the globe, will we be able to move past political brinkmanship and avoid more devastating wars? How long will our favorite travel getaways survive the onslaught of climate change and social media fueled over-tourism? Will economic shocks keep getting steeper and quicker…and divisions between the haves and have-nots wider? What sort of world are we leaving behind for our kids and what sort of fulfilling work will AI leave us with? It sounds pretty dystopian…but one thing still restores my faith in humanity – travel. Seeing new places, experiencing different cultures and meeting like-minded people really helps me believe that we’ll survive (and thrive) as a species.

Leisure travel motivations in 2030 will likely center around unique, transformative experiences that foster personal growth and cultural understanding. As remote work becomes more embedded for certain professions, longer-term stays and ‘workations’ will gain popularity. Experiences focusing on well-being, sustainability, and authentic connections with local communities will be highly sought after.

Remember me. Craft my ideal travel experience.

I love how frictionless and personalized my favorite AI assistant has made my travel. It knows my needs, preferences and behaviors by trip type and is an invaluable muse when I’m dreaming about my next getaway. All I need to do is challenge it to find me amazing options based on a few key parameters, and it does the rest…from recommending destinations that fit the bill, curating an itinerary and even making bookings, ensuring I’m getting the best deal for my money and maximizing my loyalty benefits.

By 2030, hotel booking becomes a seamless, highly personalized process facilitated by advanced AI and data analysis. Virtual assistants, integrated into various platforms, understand user preferences and suggest suitable accommodations based on their needs, budget, and travel history. Guests can virtually tour the hotel and their room using augmented or virtual reality before confirming the booking. Blockchain technology enables secure, decentralized and instantaneous transactions, streamlining the booking process and increasing trust among guests and connected service providers.

Sustainable luxury in motion.

I arrive at my hotel in an electric autonomous vehicle, which the hotel has thoughtfully integrated into their reservations and loyalty system. In some cities around the world, I can even use aerial taxis or other urban air mobility options, as the hotel is equipped with drone landing pads or vertical take-off and landing infrastructure. Throughout my stay, I notice the hotel’s commitment to eco-friendly practices, from solar power to water conservation and waste reduction initiatives.

Advancements in transportation and growing emphasis on sustainability have led some cutting-edge, new hotels to adapt their systems and services accordingly. Advanced materials and energy systems, trialled at new hotels contribute to an infrastructure that is both responsible and forward-thinking.

My stay. My world.

I arrive at my eco-friendly hotel, seamlessly blending with the local environment, and my smart room instantly adjusts to my preferences. I experience a customizable space with smart lighting, temperature controls, and immersive entertainment using augmented and virtual reality technologies. My room even offers adjustable layouts and the ability to connect with my colleagues for virtual meetings or brainstorming sessions.

This personalized experience has been made possible by advancements in AI, data analysis, and sustainable design practices. Hotels that have been newly built and renovated in the past few years have learned to harness these technologies to deliver a unique and immersive experience while prioritizing environmental responsibility and cultural preservation.

Connected, Yet Cared For.

I interact with AI-powered chatbots and virtual concierges to get personalized recommendations and assistance. Advanced robotics help with various tasks, but human staff remain vital in providing personal, high-touch experiences. I can instantly share my feedback, and the hotel management takes prompt action to address my concerns or celebrate their successes.

The integration of robotics, and emotional AI ensures empathetic interactions and efficient service. Some hotels have adopted instant feedback systems, capturing moments of truth in real-time and using these insights to improve guest satisfaction and overall hotel performance. There is also increasing polarization in terms of the human/automation ratio across hotel types. Budget, Midscale and Premium hotels have started to increase their reliance on automation to keep labor costs down while still offering a degree of personalization and convenience. High touch human interaction and even tech-free bubbles have increasingly become the domain of luxury properties.

Exploring the world through my senses.

I indulge in farm-to-table dining experiences with personalized menus catering to my dietary needs. The spa offers a blend of traditional therapies and cutting-edge treatments, like neurofeedback and virtual reality-guided meditation. The hotel even has immersive AR and VR experiences for exploring popular local attractions, so actual outing time can be saved for experiences off the beaten path. My AI assistant and AR help me discover the destination in a truly memorable and personalized way, even helping me communicate in realtime with locals without having to learn the language.

Where fresh produce is hard to come by, forward-looking hotels are increasingly relying on hydroponics and vertical farms to offer organic food with a reduced carbon-footprint. The rise of hyper-local and immersive experiences has been driven by consumers’ desire for unique, transformative, and authentic connections. AI assistants, combined with the power of advanced mapping and augmented reality allow travelers to personalize how they discover new locales, while helping them translate, shop and get around conveniently.

Back to the past.

In the year 2023, with the world still reeling from the worst pandemic in a hundred years, war escalating and generative AI just making a breakthrough, no one would have imagined just how much the world would change in the coming 7 and half years.

In a world where change is the only constant, the hotel and travel industry really stepped up and demonstrated its ability to adapt, evolve, and thrive. Thanks to industry thought leaders and owners who embraced new technologies and prioritized sustainability, the hotel guest experience of 2030 offers a vision of hope and unity, proving that even in the face of adversity, we can come together to create a brighter future for all.

2 comments on “Day 30 of 30 Day AI Challenge – Meet The Hotel Guest of 2030

  1. Thomas Flindt

    HI JJ, interesting thoughts – though there is a lot to “debate” on the future.
    Whilst tech definitely will move along, the hotel industry will not be “there” in 2030, the pace of adoption is way too slow, no matter the name on the building.
    our industry is archaeic, there is so much that can be done, if everyone takes of their “hotel – blinds”


    • Thanks Thomas, agreed. I suspect the progress gap in tech and hospitality may widen even further. Hoping we’ll have a few thought leaders though (owners and hoteliers) that’ll help showcase what’s truly possible and pave the way for others to follow.


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