Very early on this month, a colleague (thanks Lola!) sent me a copy of Peter Kim’s collaborative compilation of thoughts by bloggers on Social Media. I loved the format and the power that collaboration could harness…bringing together the thoughts, ideas and best practices of those defining the field.

The following document was subsequently born – I reached out to about 18 prominent industry bloggers, writers and industry leaders in online hospitality marketing. 6 came back…here are their thoughts on the main trends the hotel industry is likely to see this year, plus tips on how hoteliers can survive and thrive in the recession. The contributors include:
- Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Deputy Director at the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR), School of Services Management at Bournemouth University.
- Todd Lucier, creator of Tourism Keys Internet Marketing for Tourism blog, podcast and learning materials
- Patrick Landman, Hotel Revenue Management, Online Distribution and Internet Marketing Guru and the Founder of Xotels
- Jan Tissera, President, TravelCLICK International (Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa regions)
- Guillaume Thevenot, French Londoner based at Amadeus and founder+editor of
- Jitendra Jain (JJ), Online Marketer at Starwood Hotels and founder of The Talent Jungle Network, and
Please feel free to share this work as required:
Hotel Online Marketing – Thoughts on 2009 Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2009: This year may well go down for some as the year that the worst recession since World War II hit the world economy …and threw travel off-balance. Others may remember this year for the exciting challenges posed, opportunities seized and progress made towards a brighter, more profitable and tech-savvy future. Whichever way you chose to remember it, there’s no denying the fact that as travel and hospitality professionals, we’ll all have to break some moulds, get creative, optimize use of resources and collaborate like we’re never done before! This document was inspired by a similar effort in the field of Online Social Media, initiated by Peter Kim, where prominent bloggers and authors collaborated to share their thoughts on the future developments they saw in 2009. My natural reaction was… collaboration should be a natural fit for the hospitality industry right? After all, we’re all about people! Thus this initiative was born…and I set out to seek the knowledge, thoughts and advice of prominent industry leaders and bloggers, on what they saw as important developments and tips in the field of online hospitality marketing this year. Of the 18 or so people contacted, 5-6 were kind enough to respond and share their remarkable thoughts. Common themes that seem to emerge include: It’s time to get back to basics and cover these well There will be an increasing reliance on online technology in the year ahead We’ll have to work together, both offline and online, for the best results Utilization of mobile and on-the-go marketing will increase moving forward There will be a renewed focus on internationalization and destination marketing ROI measurement and analytics will become keystones to online success A better understanding of our customer needs, niches and experiences will be required There will be an increasing use of rich media and online PR in hospitality The Hospitality industry will start experimenting with social media in earnest Creativity and common sense will reign supreme (or so it ought to!) A big Thank You to those who’ve taken the time to share their thoughts, ideas and insights in this document. This just wouldn’t have been possible without you. The purpose of this work is to spark discussion, debate and refinement. So please feel free to share this document as needed and do give credit to the thinkers represented here when their ideas are redistributed or republished. Jitendra Jain / JJ ( ALBERT EINSTEIN: It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.
Great Article with lots of pointers on where social media revolution is headed. It’s all about relationships 🙂 Will definitely share with others..
Hi Jitendra,
Since contributing to this document I’ve had a number of thoughts on the nature of emerging Web 3.0 trends. The current state of the Web can be said to be the location aware and moment relevant internet.
It’s about instant communication and collaboration and location specific information, as well as the ability to be there now.
I really think anyone planning a conference today, needs to think about how to bring outsiders – in. How can you make the event come to life and be experienced in a virtual way?
For the travel industry, it’s going to demand a higher level of technical expertise than just providing wireless broadband internet access…
Good article.Thanks
Check this video for Hotel Internet Marketing.
It’s really good to see social media applied to real businesses, and not just the selling of information to would be internet marketers on ‘how to sell more information’.
I’d like to be added to this list if possible. I also utilize strategies for hotel seo at Let me know how to join. Thanks.
Interesting article. Social media is growing in importance.
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its true, social media is rather important in many facets.
Very interesting blog content. I am new in IM and I recently
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I can put your information to good use.
Thank you very much.